Hi, I’m Kelly.
A future of work expert, speaker and psychologist, I work with some of the world’s leading organisations to improve capability, expand their capacity and elevate for an extraordinary future.
My unique background as a psychologist, researcher, performing artist, and strategic advisor means I understand how to help people recontract expectations of what success looks like. Using behavioural science and social economics, I guide people to curate and align capability for what’s coming, not what’s been.
My people
The leaders and organisations I work with are striving to create sustainable progress. They want to build organisations with better futures and clearer visions, and create places where people are inspired to work purposefully.
My work
With over 20 years’ experience, I have worked with some of the world’s leading organisations to improve capability, expand their capacity and elevate for an extraordinary future. As a future of work psychologist, speaker and author, I bring a unique combination of psychological and socio-economic insights, creative forward-thinking, and lived experience leading global culture and capability transformation.

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